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Aus Fachschaften Informatik & Mathematik

Information also available in German.

Die Fachschaft (Juli 2018)

Student Association

What is the Student Association?

Our Universities AStA issued the follow statement:

German Original:

Eine Fachschaft besteht aus "ganz normalen Studierenden" eines Fachbereichs/Studiengangs. Die Leute der „aktiven Fachschaft“ widmen ein bisschen von ihrer Zeit den alltäglichen (aber auch nicht so alltäglichen) Problemen der Studierenden: Sie verwalten Sammlungen alter Klausuren, Prüfungen und Skripte, geben Tipps zur Belegung von Kursen, helfen bei Problemen. Außerdem vertreten sie die Interessen der Studierenden in verschiedenen studentischen Gremien und versuchen so, die Studienbedingungen in einem Fach zu verbessern.

Eine Hauptaufgabe ist jedes Jahr (oder auch jedes Semester) die Einführung der neuen Studierenden. Diese Veranstaltung sieht in jeder Fachschaft anders aus, hat aber immer das gleiche Ziel: die neuen Studierenden sollen sich untereinander kennen lernen und der Start ins Studium, in eine neue Umgebung und in ein neues Leben erleichtert werden.

Da die Fachschaftsarbeit um so mehr Spaß macht, je mehr Leute dabei sind, und so außerdem auch mehr Ideen umgesetzt werden können, solltet Ihr einfach mal zum nächsten Treffen Eurer Fachschaft vorbeischauen. Ort und Zeit findet ihr am Fachschaftbrett und auf der Homepage. Die „alten“ Fachschaftler freuen sich über jeden Interessierten und es gibt für jeden Motivierten eine Aufgabe. Und es gibt keinen besseren Weg, um aktiv die Studienbedingungen in seinem Fach zu verbessern und dabei noch jede Menge zu erleben.

Damit die Fachschaften eine Möglichkeit haben, sich untereinander auszutauschen, findet mehrmals im Jahr die Fachschaftsvertreterkonferenz (FVK) statt, die vom Fachschaftsreferenten geleitet werden. Dort treffen sich Vertreter jeder Fachschaft und besprechen aktuelle Probleme. Da alle Fachschaft ähnliche Betätigungsfelder haben, sind auch die Hürden sehr ähnlich, und oft können andere Fachschaften mit ihren Erfahrungen weiterhelfen. Aus den auf der FVK angesprochenen Themen entwickeln sich häufig Arbeitskreise oder Gesprächsrunden, die dann weitere Lösungen erarbeiten.

Lohnenswert ist auch immer ein Blick auf das Fachschaftsbrett und auf die Homepage. Dort findet Ihr die neuesten Informationen über Eure Fachschaft, Euren Studiengang und die brisanten Themen an der Uni, z. B. Studiengebühren, …

English Translation:

The Student Association consists of "normal Students" from a Section or Subject. The People of the „activen Student Association“ dedicate some of their time towards the daily (and not so daily) Problems of the students: They manage Collections of old Exams, Examinations and Scripts, give Tips for taking Courses, help with Problems. They also represent the interests of students in various student committees, trying to improve the study conditions in one subject.

A major task is every year (or every semester) the introduction of the new students. This event looks different in each student association, but always has the same goal: the new students should get to know each other and the start of their studies, a new environment and a new life should be made easier.

Since the student association work is more fun, the more people there are, and so more ideas can be implemented, you should simply drop by at the next meeting of your student association. Place and Time can be found at Student Association Board and on the Homepage. The "old" student representatives are happy about everyone who is interested and there is a task for every motivated person. And there is no better way to actively improve the study conditions in your subject and gather new experience while doing so.

To ensure that the student associations have the opportunity to exchange information with each other, the Student representative conference (FVK), which is headed by the student representative, takes place several times a year. Representatives of each student association meet there and discuss current problems. Since all student associations have similar fields of activity, the hurdles are very similar, and often other student associations can help with their experience. Working groups or discussion groups often develop from the topics addressed at the FVK, which then develop further solutions.

It is always worthwhile to take a look at the student association board and the homepage. There you will find the latest information about your student association, your degree program and the current topics at the university, e.g. B. Tuition fees, ...

For anyoneinterested in the formal „What are we?“: The Student Association Mathematics and the Student Association Computer Science are each partially legal bodies under public law, which results from §28 (4) HSG and the organization statute of the student body of the CAU Kiel.

University Politics

Further Information on the official Election Page

The Student Association Representation

All Students of a Subject constitute the Student Association of the corresponding Institute. At every institutes Students are able to elect the Representatives (and their Deputies) of their Student Association.

The Student Association Representations are public law corporation as are the StuPa and AStA and are in prinzipiell equal to these. All Student Associations are represented in the Student Associations Representatives Conference (FVK) - this Conference coordinates the work of the Student Associations and proposes a candidate to the StuPa for the role of the Student Association Department at the AStA.

The number of elected members for the Student Association of Mathematics and the Student Association of Computer Science depends on the number of enrolled students.

The Student Parlament

The Student Parlament (StuPa) is elected by all students, has 21 seats and usually meets once a month during the semester. The StuPa elects the ASta and is authorized to issue instructions towards it. The election of the AStA works, by by first electing the Board and then the separate Departments - special procedures are in place for the "Department for international Students" and the "Student Association Department".

International Students get the opportunity to elect a candidate for the "Department for international Students" when voting for the StuPa. In practice the FVK proposes the candidate for the "Student Association Department" to the AStA-Board. The AStA-Board usually goes along with this proposal, which is than elected by the StuPa

The elected AStA is the highest representation of the Students at and outside of the University. All students can apply at the StuPa, for example many activities of the student councils or university groups are financed by the StuPa - the meetings of the StuPa and AStA are open to the members of the university.

Precisely because the AStA is not directly elected and because it fulfills extremely important functions, it is all the more urgent to participate in the election for the StuPa.

The Faculty Convents

The University is devided into 9 Faculties. The highest committee of each faculty is the respective convent. There are therefore 9 conventions and each student is (usually) only entitled to vote for one of these conventions. The convent chooses its dean, decides on the examination regulations and proposes the candidates for the chairs to the Senate.

There are two seats in the Faculty of Engineering (it is common practice for one engineer and one computer science student to line up). The Situation at the Math.-Nat. Faculty is more complex, but they still try to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Presidium and Senate

The central administration of the university is managed by the Presidium and personally by the President. The Presidium also includes a Vice Presidents and a Managing Director, known as the Chancellor. These are elected by the Senate, the highest body of the university. In this, however, the students are extremely underrepresented with 4 out of 23 seats, while the professorship provides 12 senators and thus has a majority. Nevertheless, the influence of students in the Senate should not be underestimated. On the one hand, they can bring the student perspective into the discussion, on the other hand, they can act as a "tip on the scales" if the professorate and the staff disagree again. The Senate adopts all university regulations, e.g. the constitution, but also examination and study regulations, and elects new professors. In order to cope with this work, various committees are set up by the Senate in which the Senate meetings are prepared. Student representatives also sit on these committees. The student representatives in Kiel have a special "privilege" in the Senate and in the committees: They can use a so-called "student veto" to stop decisions that, in their opinion, are made against the interests of the students - however, this veto only has a suspensive effect, so that it can be overruled by a simple majority in the following meeting.